Friday, November 12, 2010

same old same old

Kinda sad mostly what i have to look forward too lately is the fact i can watch tv shows i want too online now i see. other then that? not much. i haven't hung out with someone in a while other then work since i don't know when. i failed my driving test because of a idiotic mistake . i go to college group and it's ok last time went pretty well i guess. just sucks everyone is too busy. marissa hardly ever texts , jenny is busy, mom and dad are together , kay and thomas adele and joey. liz has school work her friends and life now. but nothing with me has changed. not really. it always seems at night i'm depressed. i don't know why. i had interview at daycare i really want to get it. ugh. talked to old friend and that was cool but he said he'd call ... so far no. so this sucks. just do what i can to stay busy listen to music take walks lately lot of tv. and it just sucks when your close friend when you do talk gets all over you because she's taking a communications class just because you ask her how are you . ugh. walks only thing that make me happy. kinda sad but almost true. not exactly. i love my fish. aha. i sound so pathetic. not all the time as bad as it sounds but i have moments. doesn't help i have no friends just about and my sister is a jerk because she's getting married-when she's here. i want to save money and go away for school . i really do. that would be great. but if i can get scholarship to work out still a lot of money left for living and food and books and stuff. :/ so that's my life right now. and plus if i could work it out to live in wa easily i would like too. *sighs* again as always i'm doing the best i can.

1 comment:

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

A few words....
1, not wise to call siblings jerks online....let alone anyone...
2, I am sorry if it seemed I was jumping all over you, I was just excited that there are things that prove that saying 'how are you' is a shallow conversation. It requests a one worded answers, and can kill conversations quickly. Esp. when you don't put ? after the question...
3, cheer up and move here already. Good grief woman!