Friday, October 15, 2010

I am doing the best that i can

that really seems to be my motto. one of my favorite books In it there are quotes one is : Dear God , I'm doing the best I can. -Frank childrens letters to God. I feel the same as frank... except my best never seems to be good enough. It talks about spirituality " Nothing wrong with the spirituality of monks .Monks certainly experience a kind of spirituality a way of seeking and knowing God but what about the rest of us?
What about those of us who live in the city have a wife or husband three children two cats, and a washing machine that has stopped working? What about those of us who are single work sixty to seventy hours a week , have parents who wonder why we're not married and have friends who make much more money then we do? What about those of us who are divorced , still trying to heal from the scars of rejection , trying to cope with the single-parenting of children who don't understand why this has happened to them? Is there a spirituality for the rest of us who don't have it all together and probably never will? " It then talks about how spiritual growth comes in different ways , how Jesus loved everyone but seemed to hang around with losers. Told stories which show forgiveness and acceptance is more important then condemning . something people need to learn

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