Saturday, March 26, 2011


crazy next week in school. I tried to be prepared during spring break but only so much you can do. really i need to buckle down and get to work. I babysat a bit during spring break. and didn't really do much else. Lately been mostly school and work. Not much else. Am going to christian college group at my school which has been pretty cool. I helped out with the clothing drive so i was glad i got to do that. And the health fair. I am now without ipod and can't wait till i get one i got on ebay. Been visiting adele at her sushi place which is super good. Brother in law sprained ankle which is to bad for him. Now trying to babysit when i can and do school . Still no idea for summer..nothing concrete anyway.Some ideas for writing though. :) Hung out with jenny a few times.. and my friend rebecca which has been cool hope to do that more. Had funny times with kids. they 'washing ' my car , me realizing that the 2 8 year old girls from 2 different families if they met would pretty much be best friends.

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