Thursday, June 3, 2010

I then went to baggage claim and found liz and her family waiting for me. We went to go eat lunch which was good. After that we went to her house and me and liz talked a long time . We went to church which was fun. I met some her friends. They had food after so we ate that then left. We then went to go see her sister brother in law and very cute nephew Justus who is 9 months old. :-) We sat and talked with them for a long time then came home.

Monday we hung out at home for a little while then went to Aly liz's friend from the baking program at school who i met last summer, had a cake tasting party . We went to that and picked up our friend Sam another baker I met last summer. The cake was good hung out and talked with them. After that me liz aly and sam and I went to the mall . We looked in stores had a bit of food and hung out which was fun. We went home after dropping the girls off then came home. Ruth and Ben her sister and brother in law were there with Justus so we talked with them for a while. Ben is helping with a breast cancer research auction since I'm from NC I brought a chick-fil-a cow and a barbecue sauce . The barbecue sauce was mailed so I'm hoping it will be here soon.

Tuesday morning Elizabeth had school . She mentioned she hadn't had cheese grits so I made her some . I woke up early to make her some and I ate and I made her some Russian tea. It was good. The girts seemed different but were still good. I then went back to sleep and she left for school . I woke up and ran some errands with Ruth and Justus. That was fun. We got food at Mcdonalds then went to ruth and bens place and waited till liz got there. We were all going to ... dun dun dun a baseball game! We drove a long tim to get to the game in Seattle. It was a mariners game. It was fun. Me and Liz made a sign hoping to win some free fries and get on tv . The sign said " Bff from NC says her fries are better then Ralley fries. Help me prove her wrong!" haha. It was awesome. Watching the game was fun. We won! :-) We went to denny's after the game which was good. It was a long tiring drive back we were all so glad to get home. Talked a bit then crashed with liz. We went to be after 2 am. We were both really tired. Liz had to wake up and go to school poor thing.

I slept past noon. aha. I woke up took a shower , ate and tried to find service with not much luck. After that I went on the computer for a bit. Liz came back we talked some and went to take her brother to his guitar lesson. After that liz showed me where she does her school stuff. We went to the store to kill time then went to church which was fun. Her friends are crazy. They had food after the service which was nice. It was good . Came back home.I was glad to see some sunshine today. It has rained past few days as per usual here.The sunshine made me smile. I was hoping to call my dad today but unfortunately phone service is sketchy . Hopefully tomorrow So that is what has happened on my trip so far!

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