Friday, June 25, 2010

Well been through 10 days of teacher training which was crazy. always back and forth it seems with nursery and 2's and 3's. always hmm where is this and praying there isn't a time change. I was late yesterday and i felt horrible. Everything was crazy had 7 babies . then was late to rec center when heard it would be fine i would be late then got back 11:40 . Locking up and everything was so confusing! i just feel crappy now. But really what i want to know is whatever happened to when someone looks like they are having a bad day saying i'm sorry and trying to help instead of telling them about all your problems? i might have done it but i really hope to think before i do it. it isn't helpful.


Liz's Random Thoughts said...

I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to do it!:(

Barbthebookworm said...

we both had crappy days apparently and pmsing. i love you! *hugs*